{snp_ga4_analytics} International Foodservice Distributors Association | Ben E. Keith - Food Product & Alcoholic Beverage Distributor

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International Foodservice Distributors Association

The “Institutional Food Distributors of America” began as part of the U.S. Wholesale Grocers Association. In 1969, that association merged with the National American Wholesale Grocers Association, and IFDA (renamed International Foodservice Distributors Association) retained its separate identity as well as a distinct Board of Directors. When a decision was made by wholesale grocer members to merge with another retail association in 2002, IFDA’s Board of Directors made the decision to establish IFDA as a freestanding trade organization, which took place on January 1, 2003. The group is located in the Washington, D.C. region and provides research, education, industry forums, and government relations.

Click here to view the IFDA website to learn more about the many services available.

IFDA Supply Chain

IFDA used that as the basis for a video that explains "what foodservice distributors do" in their operations on a day-to-day basis, and did so in easy to understand language. We invite IFDA members to use this to educate — whether for recruitment purposes or to share with trading partners and customers.